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Engaging, Informing, Supporting

The European Animal Research Association (EARA) is a communications and advocacy membership organisation, representing both the public and private institutions in the biomedical sector.


Its mission is to inform people about the continued need for, and benefits of, the humane use of animals in scientific research, by providing accurate and evidence-based information, throughout Europe.

Estadística de Investigación Animal
Número total de procedimientos: 917, 986.


Lea el reporte completo aqui.

Read the 2023 report here
Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma
Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.

EARA member, of the Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Sciences (SECAL) has created a video (in Spanish) with examples of the benefits of biomedical animal research.

The message in the video “La experimentación animal da Vida” (Animal research gives life) was repeated by board members of SECAL.

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Brussels Office

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European Animal Research Association

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