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Swiss institutions publish first openness report

Swiss institutions publish first openness report

The Swiss Transparency Agreement on Animal Research (STAAR) has published its first annual report recording progress on open communication in 2022.

There are 26 signatory institutions to the agreement, both public and private research, plus societies and associations, with each committed to promoting a dialogue with the public and the media, and providing opportunities for the public to learn about animal research.

The report revealed that 73% have a statement on their website about their use of animals in research, while 38% published information either on the number and species of animals used or the projects they supported.

Around three-quarters of the signatories published images on animal research featuring animals from their facilities and more than 80% published articles on animal research or the 3Rs.

Most of the institutions that conduct animal research organised at least one tour of their animal facilities for staff not working with animals.

Swiss institutions publish first openness report
Swiss TA signatories

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