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Spanish Transparency Agreement institutions show significant progress on their openness about animal research

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

The key findings from the Annual Report of the Transparency Agreement on animal research in Spain, published today, has shown significant progress being made by its 168 signatory institutions to communicate with the public.


The agreement (TA), overseen by the Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE), seeks to improve public understanding of the use of animals in research, promote communication and foster transparency and it is largest TA of its kind in the world.

The seventh Annual Report (and in Spanish) prepared by the European Animal Research Association (EARA), surveyed institutions about their communication activities in 2023 and includes the following significant facts:


  • 92% of institutions use social media for outreach, with 89% mentioning the use of animal models in social media.

  • All institutions publish an accessible statement on their websites about the use of animals in research, with 82% doing so in a way that this information is visible in three clicks or less.

  • 67% participate in scientific outreach activities, such as guided tours and educational events, up from 54% last year.

  • 59% of institutions interacted with the media about research involving animals.

  • Public mention of the number and species of animals used has increased, reaching 47%, up from 38% last year.

  • An increase in efforts to promote the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) was reported, with 43% of institutions stepping up their dissemination compared to the previous year.

  • A still small but very important percentage, 17%, has carried out initiatives about animal research with patients or patient associations.


According to Amanda Sierra, who is on the COSCE Commission for the study on the use of animals in scientific research, “The report reflects a growing consolidation of transparency among the signatory institutions.”


Javier Guillén, also of the COSCE commission, highlighted that: “It presents a complete selection of links to examples and success stories reported by the institutions so that they can be of help to other organisations”.




  • An example of press coverage included this article about the University of Vigo.

  • Germans Trias and Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) published its annual report, including projects in which animals were used and how the 3RS have been implemented.

  • The pharma company GSK produced detailed information on its website about the responsible use of animals.


And Lluis Montoliu, also a member of COSCE, added: “However, there is still a need to persist in efforts to strengthen communication, education and the implementation of the 3Rs.”


According to the latest data published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA), in 2023 there were 1,144,214 uses of animals for scientific and teaching purposes in Spain.


For further information please contact Victoria Toro Tel. 670434556



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