A new study of the websites of biomedical research bodies in Spain, by the European Animal Research Association (EARA), to assess how they discuss research using animals, shows that Spanish institutions are setting a good example for the rest of Europe.
The EARA Study of EU-based websites 2024, published today, analysed a total of 908 websites in 2023, and the report has now been presented to the EU Commission. In Spain, 175 institutional websites were assessed, both public and private bodies, such as universities, research centres and pharmaceutical companies, and the main findings were that:
In the most important category, more than three quarters of Spanish biomedical institutions (78%) have a recognisable statement on their websites explaining the use of animals in research in language clearly understandable to the public. Spain leads the way in this category, compared to the overall EU average for website statements (45%), while the percentage of institutions that displayed a statement on the use of animals in research in other EU countries with large biomedical communities was – Netherlands 55%, Germany 50%, France 34%.
More than half the Spanish institutions assessed provide extensive background information (53% - EU average 41%) on the use of animals in research, including frequently asked questions (FAQs) and useful links.
However, in other categories, in common with many other EU countries, the presence of content on statistical information about animal use (16%), images of research animals and facilities (27%) and case studies (36%) needs to show much more improvement.
Launched in 2016, Spain has the largest Transparency Agreement on Animal Research in Europe, with 166 signatory bodies from the biomedical community, who have pledged to be more open about their use of animals and the EARA study shows that 88% of these institutions have a clear statement about animal research on their website – compared to just 34% for Spanish biomedical institutions not in the agreement.
EARA Executive Director, Kirk Leech, said: “Spanish biomedical institutions continue to be at the forefront of the drive to be open and transparent with the public about why animals are used in research and their importance for future medical discoveries.”
Transparency Agreements have been a successful launchpad, across Europe, for greater efforts to produce useful information for the public about research at individual institutions, and have led to a greater commitment by institutions to be more open.
Since the previous EARA study in 2020, stricter criteria have been introduced into the assessment categories, so it is not possible to make comparisons. When EARA first began assessing websites, back in 2017, the presence of good quality institutional website content on animal research was scarce, since then significant improvements have meant that it has been possible to raise the benchmark.
EARA is now confident that, if an institution can reach the required standard in all categories, they will be providing the public with the comprehensive information they need to make informed opinions on the use of animals in biomedical research.
For further information contact EARA Communications Manager, Bob Tolliday, btolliday@eara.eu on +44 (0)7970 132801
Notes to editors
About EARA
The European Animal Research Association (EARA) is an organisation that communicates and advocates on biomedical research using animals and provides accurate, evidence-based information. It has more than 170 member organisations, including private and public research bodies, universities, regional and national biomedical associations and suppliers, in 24 European countries (19 in the EU) and four other continents.
EARA’s vision is that animal research is understood by society as still a critical part of the scientific process, leading to an informed and beneficial climate for innovation and progress for the benefit of human and animal and environmental health.
Signatory institutions of Transparency Agreements, co-ordinated by EARA, commit to demonstrating openness and engaging in a dialogue with the public, to bring about a greater understanding of the reasons why animals are needed for research.
The website study has helped EARA identify areas of good practice on communications and openness in the life sciences sector and areas where improvement is needed. It will also help EARA provide guidance on best practice to all its member organisations and the sector as a whole across Europe and build on the advice already given to EARA members in the EARA Communications Handbook.
The study is therefore a tool that can then be used to encourage greater transparency in line with the recommendations made in Section 3 of the Review of Directive 2010/63/EU in November 2017.
The benefits of animal research
Most of the medicines we use have at some point involved research using animals. Animals are essential in research on Covid-19 for understanding the virus, and for assessing potential drugs and vaccines. They will help millions with conditions such as cystic fibrosis, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord damage and parasitic infections like malaria. There are three main reasons why animals are used in research:
To advance scientific understanding
To develop solutions to medical problems
To test medicines and vaccines in order to protect the safety of people, animals and the environment.
Animals are used when there is a need to find out what happens in the whole living body, which is far more complex than the sum of its parts. It is very difficult, and in most cases simply not yet possible, to develop non-animal methods to replace the use of living animals.