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EARA feature – What are non-technical summaries (NTS)?


An article by EARA, that explains the important role that non-technical summaries (NTS) play in improving transparency and openness between the general public and biomedical researchers that use animals, has been published.

In addition to a formal research project proposal, NTS are required by law in the European Union to explain clearly how and why animals have to be used in the context of that specific research project, and why the proposed procedures, species and number of animals to be used are absolutely necessary for the project's objectives.

The article explains the key aspects that contribute to a good NTS, including the use of straightforward language without scientific jargon, with good practice examples for NTS mandatory categories, and the background as to why NTS are needed.

In addition, EARA is offering a series of workshops aimed at equipping researchers and animal welfare bodies with the skills needed for effective NTS writing. These sessions will provide practical guidance, tailored feedback, and expert advice on how to communicate complex research processes clearly and responsibly.

To find out more about these workshops contact Nuno Gonçalves

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