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Be Open About Animal Research Day 2022: Partner organisations & statements

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

This year, Be Open About Animal Research Day 2022 (#BOARD22), took place on the last day of the FELASA Congress (16 June). More than 150 institutions across six continents supported the campaign as partners. This included producing statements of support, which highlighted the need to be open and transparent about the use of animals in research.

Here are the #BOARD22 partners, with statements published on EARA’s social media, where applicable, by region/country and institution:

Europe | Animal Health Europe

Europe | Animal Research Tomorrow

Europe | Bristol-Myers Squibb

Europe | European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine

Europe | European Federation of Animal Technologists

Europe | European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN)

Europe | European Primate Veterinarians

Europe | European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians

Europe | Federation of European Laboratory Animal Breeders Associations

Europe | FEAM (Federation of European Academies of Medicine)

Europe | FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies)

International | AAALAC

Australia/New Zealand | (ANZCCART) Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching

Australia/New Zealand | Australian and New Zealand Laboratory Animal Association (ANZLAA)

Austria | Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Traumatology

Austria | RepRefRed Society

Belgium | University of Antwerp

Belgium | Belgian Council for Laboratory Animal Science (BCLAS)

Belgium | Ghent University

Belgium | GSK

Belgium | Infopoint Animal Testing (IPPO)

Belgium | Janssen

Belgium | KU Leuven

Belgium | Orsi Academy

Belgium |

Belgium | Sanofi Ghent

Belgium | UCB

Belgium | Université Libre de Bruxelles

Belgium | Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB)

Belgium | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

​​Brazil | Brazilian Association of Veterinary Hospitals (ABHV)

Brazil | SBCAL (Brazilian Society on Laboratory Animal Science)

Brazil | Universidade Federale Do Rio De Janeiro

Canada | CALAS (Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science)

Canada | Trent University

Denmark | Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs

Denmark | Lundbeck

Denmark | Scanbur

Denmark | Taconic

France | AFSTAL

France | Charles River Laboratories

France | Covalab

France | Etisense

France | GIRCOR


France | Institut Curie

France | Janvier Labs

France | Marshall BioResources

Georgia | Georgian Association for Laboratory Animal Science

Germany | AbbVie

Germany | Agenda Life Sciences

Germany | Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Germany | ConScienceTrain

Germany | Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience

Germany | Department of Veterinary Medicine, Freie Universität Berlin

Germany | GV-SOLAS - Society of Laboratory Animal Science

Germany | Helmholtz Zentrum München

Germany | INSTECH

Germany | University Hospital Jena

Germany | Labcorp

Germany | Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)

Germany | Max Planck Society

Germany | Merck

Germany | MHH Hannover Medical School

Germany | RWTH Aachen University

Germany | Tarcforce 3R

Germany | VectorBuilder


Greece | Hellenic Pasteur Institute

Greece | Hellenic Society of Biomedical and Laboratory Animal Science (HSBLAS)

Greece | Hellenic Society for Neuroscience

Hungary | Becton Dickinson

Hungary | University of Pecs

Italy | University of Ferrara

Italy | Mario Negri Institute

Italy | University of Milan

Italy | University of Padua

Italy | University of Parma

Italy | Research4Life

Israel | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Israel | Inter-University Forum for Biomedical Research Israel

Israel | Let the Sick Live

​Luxembourg | University of Luxembourg

Malta | AquaBioTech Group

Mauritius | Bioculture

Netherlands | Biomedical Primate Research Center

Netherlands | Donders Institute

Netherlands | Leiden University Medical Center

Netherlands | Maastricht University

Netherlands | Netherlands Cancer Institute

Netherlands | PLEXX

Netherlands | Radboud University

Netherlands | R. C. Hartelust

Netherlands | Stichting Informatie Dierproeven (SID)

Netherlands | Wageningen University and Research

Nigeria | Acuret

​Oceania | ICLAS Oceania

Philippines | ILAF

​Philippines | Philippine Association for Laboratory Animal Science (PALAS)

Poland | Polish Zebrafish Society

Poland | PolLASA

Portugal | CCMAR Algarve

Portugal | Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology

Portugal | Champalimaud Foundation

Portugal | Ciências ULisboa

Portugal | Ciimar

Portugal | CVS/3Bs University of Minho

Portugal | ICVS

Portugal | iCBR

Portugal | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC)

Portugal | Universidade de Lisboa

Portugal | University of Minho, School of Medicine

Portugal | NOVA Medical School

Portugal | SPCAL

Portugal | University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD)

Portugal | Vector B2B

Romania | ARSAL

South Africa | University of Cape Town

South Africa | South African Association for Laboratory Animal Science (SAALAS)

Spain | ARP Logística Clínica

Spain | Universitat de les Iles Balears

Spain | ΒΙΝΑΕΧ

Spain | CIEMAT

Spain | Complutense University of Madrid

Spain | COSCE

Spain | National Center for Biotechnology (CNB)

Spain | IBIMA


Spain | Institut de Recerca Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP)

Spain | Universidad de Navarra

Spain | Noveprim Group

Spain | Universidad de Oviedo

Spain | SECAL

Spain | University of Santiago de Compostela

Serbia | University of Belgrade

Slovenia | Society for Laboratory Animals of Slovenia (SLAS)

Sweden | AstraZeneca

Switzerland | Novartis

Switzerland | SAVIR

Switzerland | Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association (SGV)

Switzerland | University of Zurich

Turkey | Laboratory Animal Science Association Turkey

UK | Babraham Institute

UK | British Society of Immunology

UK | Dietex International Ltd

UK | Envigo


UK | Institute of Cancer Research


UK | The Learning Curve

UK | Understanding Animal Research

UK | University of Manchester

USA | Association of Primate Veterinarians (APV)


USA | Texas Biomedical Research Institute

USA | Transnetyx

USA | Wisconsin National Primate Research Center

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