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Engaging, Informing, Supporting

The European Animal Research Association (EARA) is a communications and advocacy membership organisation, representing both the public and private institutions in the biomedical sector.


Its mission is to inform people about the continued need for, and benefits of, the humane use of animals in scientific research, by providing accurate and evidence-based information, throughout Europe.

Animal Research Statistics For France
Total number of procedures:


Read the 2022 report here
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Rehoming macaques used in French biomedical research: VIDEO


GIRCOR, the French animal research advocacy group, posted a video on the rehoming of 11 macaques in a refuge zoo.

In collaboration with other associations and the activist group GRAAL, GIRCOR has been developing a retreat for laboratory animals and in particular monkeys as these cannot be adopted, like cats or dogs, and can live up to 30 years of age.

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European Animal Research Association

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